Friday, August 30, 2013

Riang Ria Raya with Girlfriends

Assalamualaikum & Hi everyone :)

Last Wednesday, me & these awesome people went for some extra, last raya celebration ;) first we went to Fie's Mama Angkat house in Bota. Alaa dekat je about 15 mins from UTP. We had our dinner & Maghrib prayer there. Then, balik tu, we singgah Chancellor Complex for some photoshoot sessions. Might as well be our last raya photoshoot together :'( 

But we also prepared cakes for Arash & Cheam's belated birthday celebration. Ok, memang sangat belated. It was last month. HAHA! But we just got the time to celebrate. So sorry for it! -,-" 

So, we had cakes, cameras, beloved friends & crazy time together. Rasa serba salah jugak dok main-main kat depan library while others are studying in there. Hehe. 

So, enjoy the photos below :)

P/S: Today is Mr.K's first paper :') Allah, I'm way too nervous! Don't know why. Oh Allah, please guide him! ♡ 

Assalamualaikum :)

The birthday girls ;)

My beloved roomie ♥

Tunang & wife orang :P

Muka happy macam mana kawan-kawan!

Muka bosan macam manaaa?

Muka cute pulakkk. HAHA

Me & ex-roomie ♡ 

Anis said my face looks like Aleesya's! Haha

Nerdy mode

Sampai tertidur dah dua2 orang ni ye? Alolo :P

Samseng Kampung Dusun :P

Princess ke Queen?

The Cakes. Yummy!

Menang lawan gusti. hehe

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

EE Jan 09 Raya Celebration

Bismillah ♡
Assalamualaikum & Hi Everyone :)

Currently UTPians are all struggling as it is our study week or to be frank, its our 'study days'. Hehe. Tapi Alhamdulillah, we, EEians of final year first semester get the chance to start our paper on 3rd Sept! So, we got a week to study ;)

Last night, we had our awesome last raya celebration together :'( we gathered at Pocket C, had some juadah raya, some speeches, mind blowing photoshoot sessions (acknowledge the 's' as in plural :P) and also announced the best dressed male & female :)

The food is awesome (though I only ate a little because of my tummyache! Thank you so much for stopping me from gaining weight. HAHA). Will be missing these beautiful people in my course. They just made my study life awesomely superbly mind blowing. We had been through the ups, the downs, the best & the worsts. But Alhamdulillah next semester gonna be our last semester together (Allah, dah start teary eyes. Ok, inhale first!)

So, enjoy the pictures below as I need to get back to study ;) till then!

Assalamualaikum ♥